Telegram allows its users to create groups whether for internal or external purposes. Internally, you can use it to have personal conversations with your friends and make plans with them or share memes. Externally, you can use it for work purposes, discussion, adding your clients there for feedbacks, etc. If you are facing difficulties to add members in Telegram group, then worry no more because this article is for you. You cannot add members if you don’t have a group created initially. There might have been cases when you wanted to create a group to communicate with your friends or have work conversations but were not able to. Especially for new users, it can be quite confusing to create new groups on Telegram. So, to solve this problem we have also mentioned steps on how you can create a new group on Telegram below.

How to Create a Group on Telegram?

Telegram provides you with the option to create two types of groups: Public and Private. These groups can be created as per your requirement and the process to create both is the same. You can create a group on Telegram by using the following steps:

1.Open Telegram and click on ‘three lines icon‘ as shown below.

2.Click on ‘New Group’.

3.Select people you want to add in the group and click on ‘arrow sign‘.

4.Enter group name, set a picture you want and click on the ‘tick mark‘ as shown below.

5.Your group will be created.

In a private group, only the group admin can add members and the group link is also only available to the admin. Whereas in Public group, it is accessible to all telegram users and almost 200,000 people can join the group by searching for it in the Telegram search box. The group link is also available to all members.

How to Add Member in Telegram Group?

Once you create a group, you might want to add new members to it from time to time. You have a limit of adding 200,000 members in a single group and there is also a feature of providing links of groups to people you want to add. You can add member in Telegram Group by:

1. Adding Members directly to Group

To directly add member in Telegram Group:

1.Open your Telegram group and click on your ‘Group picture/icon‘.

2.Click on ‘Add Member’ option.

3.Select the people you want to add and click on ‘tick mark‘ sign.

4.Tap on ‘Add‘.

In this way, you can directly add member in Telegram Group. Once you do this, the new members will now be able to see the new messages and shared contents and be a part of your group.

To add member in Telegram group, another method you can use is to send invite links to them. You can send invite links through the following steps:

1.Open your Group you want to add members to.

2.Tap on ‘Group picture/icon‘.

When the person to whom you send the link opens it, they will be added to the group after accepting the invitation. In the case of private groups, only the group admin can access the link and send it whereas, in public groups, it is available to all the members.


Thus, using the steps mentioned above, you can easily add member in Telegram group. If you are a person who prefers privacy and is using it only for personal conversations or small workspaces, it is recommended that you create a private group otherwise, public groups are more properly accessible for all the members as they are free to use the invite links and add members. Also Read: How to Create a New Account on Telegram in 2021? Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest tech news, tips & tricks, and tech reviews.


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